Both bathrooms started stock white. Everything - cabinets, walls, sinks, floor tiles, tubs. One bathroom just has the toilet and tub/shower. Not much point in changing those since they're in perfect shape, along with the tile floor. So we're tiling the area above the shower enclosure with slate tiles and a glass accent stripe.
I've done all my previous tile jobs with a hand tile cutter which won't work for slate. So I got a new toy - a wet tile saw. OMG, so much fun! Wish I'd bought one years ago. It even cuts a 45 degree bevel so we didn't have to use separate bullnose edge tiles (none of which matched).
My back, thighs, and arms ache, but all the tiles are in place. Tomorrow the grout job.
I did get a good chunk of editing done. Going through pages 58-67 of my YA fantasy with my critique group ended up forcing me to edit from page 1. Oh this story is getting so much stronger!
The tile and editing fun was interrupted by one of my horses picking a fight with a fence and losing. Three legs scraped and cut over the whole length and an eye bashed into a fence post, swollen shut and a cut eyeball. Half his head was swollen. But he's doing a great job taking care of himself and letting us treat him with antibiotics and topical ointments, even one that goes into his eye. He'll recover. I hope you'll all appreciate that I decided not to post pics!
And of course this happens four days before our first house hunting trip to Oregon. What projects do you like to do around your house? Do they interrupt your writing or give you a needed break?
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