Monday, September 1, 2014

Weekend Warrior Monday - rib injuries suck!

My weekend was too calm. I rode three horses, but for short distances. I saw The Giver, which was one of the few movies I've see that I liked better than the book. The book was okay, but the concept was pretty obvious and the action was, well, mostly not there. The cinematography of the movie was great and they took enough liberties to ramp up the tension without ruining the plot.
The reason a potentially wonderful three-day weekend didn't involve a monumental horse ride or a hike we have planned to the top of the very rugged range behind our house is that my husband has a couple cracked ribs. This is week 8. He has improved and can handle everyday stuff, but nothing too strenuous or that might force him to move suddenly.
But because he knew I wanted to, he tried riding on Sunday. First we made sure his horse wasn't an idiot after all the time off, then drove to a nearby trailhead. The horse was wonderful and we walked and trotted for two miles. Hubby dismounted when an ATV zipped by, walked a little, got back on and almost immediately got back off. He led his horse for the mile back to the trailer. He was smart and didn't re-injure anything, but it's going to be a while longer for enough recovery to do an endurance ride. Hmm, next one is 6 weeks away. Crossing my fingers.
So back to calmer work - remodeling our master bathroom. Originally it had white cabinets and laminate countertops and just a single sink. We bought custom cherry cabinets and are converting it to two sinks (and two mirrors and light bars) along with a granite counter and tile backsplash. Of course nothing is the right size, so we have to get creative. Well, that's why they call it custom, right?
Did you vacation or attack projects for Labor Day weekend? We need lots more 3-day weekends! 

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